30 years and counting! That is how long DD&D has been creating custom solutions for complex problems in harsh enviroments.
Hydrographic Systems
From our first battery operated small boat survey system in 1976 to the latest in multibeam technology, DD&D has been providing custom system design and support for shipboard survey systems. Combining the best in hardware and software from multiple vendors with outstanding service, DD&D systems are you best choice to complete your survey mission.
Data Processing
Our Beach Data Processor (BDP) program is the only program custom designed to handle the special needs of multi-source beach profile data collection. Integrating backpack (land), amphibious (LARC), sounder and towed sled data, the BDP program streamlines the process of converting raw field data into useful profile information in any desired output format.
Information Distribution
Tidestaff.net is our newest product serving the survey industry and an example of how we can turn your data into useful information. Real-time tide data from your site is processed and displayed locally, transmitted to our web site for retrieval by your field personnel when and where needed. Current data and historical tides are displayed and available for download. There is even an optional interface for getting the current tide on your web enabled mobile phone.
Custom Electronics
From microprocessor based survey systems to firmware for the prototypes of the latest single cup coffee brewers, DD&D has created specialized electronics and software to solve a wide variety of client problems. One-of-a-kind scientific devices or high volume consumer product, our team of experienced people can get the job done for you.